Adam’s funeral

Adam’s funeral will be in Brighton next Thursday afternoon – 28th May – if you would like to come, you are most welcome.  Plan to arrive in Brihton for 2.00pm.  Time and place to be confirmed.

10 thoughts on “Adam’s funeral”

  1. Sorry I cannot attend; I have to take my wife Gill to cancer chemotherapy next Thursday. We will of course be thinking of Adam and his family.

  2. many apologies, but i will be in spain… i will be thinking of you all… ramesh

  3. To Adam’s family,

    I would have liked to have come, but unfortunately my mother has just recently been diagnosed with cancer as well (in the lung and kidney as far as we know at the moment), and I am due to be taking her back into hospital that day for some more treatment to alleviate her condition.

    I’m sorry that the Sussex photos that I sent came too late probably for Adam himself to have seen them, but I hope they’ll be interesting for you. There were three group shots near the end with Adam in them, even though you may not know many of the other people, except perhaps those who had a strong interest in linguistics. You’ve never met me, but I’m sitting next to Adam in one of those pictures, and he’s looking sideways at me and smiling. I had just run into the frame in time after fiddling around with the camera and the time delay mechanism on the tripod, and everyone was smiling at that.

    With a cancer patient now in my own family, I can very much sympathise from personal experience now with what Adam and all of you have gone through. We’ve been in and out of hospital several times in the past fortnight or so (I’m sure you know what it’s like!), and for quite a while we weren’t sure of the diagnosis, and thought heart failure might be the cause of the main symptom — breathlessness — which sometimes it can be. Because my mother has never smoked, it’s surprising that she’s got lung cancer, but probably that’s not the primary site, and it’s spread to there after starting elsewhere.

    My mother is back at home now for a while. I have just resigned from my job so that I can look after her better. My brother helps too, but he is in poor health himself, and can’t drive, so I will have to do more than half of the caring. We don’t know very clearly yet how long she will survive, but probably several months I would think.

    Anyway, I shall be thinking of Adam and all of you on that day; I hope that Adam will get the peaceful and respectful send-off that he deserves, and that his funeral will bring some closure to all of you. Kind regards,

    Chris Taylor

  4. I’ll can’t assist to the Adam’s funeral, but I will to envoy a very big thanks for all he teaches us and all I learn from he. Thanks and memories for ever.

  5. Gill,
    I sent a message via Facebook which hopefully you have received. We are all saddened by your devastating loss and want you to know that you and your children will be in our hearts and thoughts on Thursday.
    Much love to you all,
    Martin, Ann, and Daniel

  6. Dear Adam’s family,
    my thoughts are with you today.
    Lots of love to you all,

  7. Dear Gill

    I was so sorry to hear about Adam’s death from Claire via Brendon. I’ve just been reading his blog with wonder at his bravery. The last few months must have been very tough for you all. My thoughts will be with you next week Becca xxxxx

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